Thursday, September 26, 2013

America is... / America es...

Borden, Louise. America is… Illustrations by Stacey Schuett
America is… by Louise Borden is an inspiring, pictures enriched book about the United States of America. Although America is a whole continent; perhaps, Borden uses this tittle because the US had being named like that since forever. In the cover and the first page of the book, we can see a picture of the emblematic bald eagle; in representation of freedom. In this book, Borden talks and makes poems about all the states within USA and their aspects. For instance, Borden honors the United States all-races people and families, its atmosphere and seasons, coasts and oceans, barns and mountains, its national song and flag, highways and skyscrapers, holidays and celebrations, schools, and sports. Borden’s statements are modest; she do not uses as much adjectives as others children’s books. However, in her simplicity, and with the help of the fascinating illustrations made by Schuett, Borden makes her book magnificent.

The book is full of colorful and excellent pictures made by Stacey Schuett. Each page has full-length pictures that go hand by hand with Borden’s text. For instance, Schuett shows us a picture of a farmer, his son, and his barn; in this picture, we can see the greatest colors within a sunset, how the farmer and his son are dressed, the corn plants growing, and the beautiful barn landscape. Borden’s America is… is a wonderful, educational and inspirational book, that not only shows us the greatest places and people of United States of America, but makes us honors and love this nation even more.

America is… por Louise Borden es un libro inspirador y enriquecido con ilustraciones acerca de los Estados Unidos de América. Aunque América es el continente entero; quizás Borden usa este título porque EU ha estado siendo llamado de este modo desde siempre. En la portada y la primera página del libro, podemos ver una pintura de la emblemática águila calva; en representación de libertad. En este libro, Borden habla y hace poemas acerca de todos los estados en EUA y sus aspectos. Por ejemplo, Borden hace honor a todas las razas, personas y familias, la atmosfera y estaciones, costas y océanos, granjas y montanas, el himno nacional y la bandera, carreteras y rascacielos, días feriados y celebraciones, escuelas, y deportes de los Estados Unidos. Los criterios de Borden son modestos; ella no usa muchos adjetivos en comparación con otros libros infantiles. Sin embargo, en su simplicidad, y la forma en la que las fascinantes ilustraciones hechas por Schuett la ayudan, Borden hace que su libro sea magnifico.

El libro está lleno de coloridas y excelentes pinturas hechas por Stacey Schuett. Cada página contiene una ilustración que cubre una página entera y que van de la mano con el contexto de Borden. Por ejemplo, Schuett nos muestra una pintura de un granjero y su hijo, y su granja, podemos ver los grandiosos colores de un atardecer, como el granjero y su hijo están vestidos, la plantación de maíz creciendo, y la hermosa vista de la granja misma. America is… es un libro excelente, educacional e inspirador, que no solo nos muestra las grandeza de sus personas y lugares de los Estados Unidos de America, sino que también nos hace honorar y amar esta nación aún más. 

Borden, Louise. America is… Illustrations by Stacey Schuett. New York, NY: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2002. Print

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yellow Elephant / Elefante Amarillo

Larios, Julie. Yellow Elephant, A Bright Bestiary. Illustrations by Julie Paschkis

Yellow Elephant, A Bright Bestiary is a fourteen poems book written by Julie Larios and illustrated by Julie Paschkis. In the short poems about certain animals –frog, donkey, owl, giraffe, elephant, puppy, kitty, fish, finch, mouse, gull, lizard, turtle, and goose- we could read about their physical appearance and personalities. On each delightful and colorful painting made by Paschkis, we could appreciate Larios’ poems even more.

The poems are easy-to-read; according to the back cover of the book, this book is intended for kids from age five to ten. However, Larios slightly used word choices that could make children ask about their signification. For example, while I was reading one of the poems (Brown Mouse) to my 6 years old boy, Michael Joel, the word Jitterbugging located in the sentence, “Little brown clown, looking for crumbs, comes sneaking, sniffing, skittering, all around-sounds like she’s jitterbugging on tinfoil…though the house” (Larios, 22), made my son ask, “what is that, mommy?” Uncertain, I went online and looked for a correct answer. Nevertheless, I believe is a good way to –not only teach children about poetry, but awaken their curiosity of knowing the meaning of new words.

One of my favorite poems in this charming book is Pink Kitty:

“Pink collar.
Pink bell.
Pink pillow.
Pink bowl.
And a pink yawn at dawn.
Outside, the city –hot and hazy.
Inside, cool kitty
Feeling pink and lazy” (Larios, 16).

I am a cat lover, also, one of my favorite colors is pink; however, what I love the most about this poem, is the way Larios described the best definition of an adorable (and always lazy) kitty cat. She made me remember a cat that I had for a long time during my infancy.

Yellow Elephant, A Bright Bestiary by Julie Larios is a great introduction-to-poetry book. Every parent should have one copy at their home, in order to engage their children to read poetry and develop their vocabulary. In addition, the illustrations made by Julie Paschkis perfectly complement this book, by making it educational and entertaining.

Elefante Amarillo, Un Bestiario Brillante es un libro de 14 poemas escritos por Julie Larios e ilustrado por Julie Paschkis. En los cortos poemas acerca de ciertos animales –sapo, burro, búho, jirafa, elefante, perro, gato, pinzón, ratón, gaviota, lagartija, tortuga, y ganso- podemos leer acerca de sus apariencias y personalidades. En cada encantadora y colorida pintura hecha por Paschkis, podemos apreciar los poemas de Larios aún más.

Los poemas son fácil-de-leer; de acuerdo a la reseña escrita en la parte trasera del libro, este libro está previsto para niños entre las edades cinco a diez. Sin embargo, Larios ligeramente usa opciones de palabras que podrían hacer que estos niños preguntasen por su significado. Por ejemplo, mientras estuve leyendo uno de los poemas (Ratón Castaño, pagina 22) a mi hijo de seis años, Michael Joel, la palabra “jitterbugging” (bailando acrobáticamente al ritmo de jazz o bugui-bugui) hizo que me preguntara, “¿Qué es eso, mami?”  Dudosa, fui a la web a encontrar el significado correcto. No obstante, creo que es una buena manera de –no solo ensenarle a los niños sobre poesía, pero de despertarle su curiosidad sobre saber el significado de nuevas palabras.              
Uno de mis poemas favoritos en este encantador libro es el Gato Rosa:

“Collar rosa.
Cascabel rosa.
Almohada rosa.
Tazon rosa.
Y un bostezo rosa al atardecer.
Afuera, la ciudad –caliente y brumoso.
Adentro, gato fresco.
Sintiéndose rosa y vago” (Larios, 16.)

Soy una amante de los gatos, también, uno de mis colores favoritos es el rosa; sin embargo, lo que amo más acerca de este poema, es la manera en la que Larios describe a un adorable (y siempre vago) gatito, en su mejor definición. Ella me hizo recordar una gata que tenía hace mucho tiempo, durante mi infancia.

Elefante Amarillo, Un Bestiario Brillante de Julie Larios es un grandioso libro de introducción-a-la-poesía. Cada padre debería tener una copia en sus casas, para así comprometer a sus hijos a leer poesía y enriquecer su vocabulario. En adición, las ilustraciones hechas por Julie Paschkis complementan perfectamente este libro, haciéndolo educacional y entretenido.

Larios, Julie. Yellow Elephant: A Bright Bestiary. FL: Harcourt, INC, 2006.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Path to Success (Camino al Éxito)

Yaritza and I. Tiendas Jimenez - Srping Fashion Photo-shoot.

Many people tend to confuse what really means to have success, because for them it could be resumed by finishing a career or acquiring some highly price goods. Both of those mentioned are valid in the goals-to-complete list. However, there are situations that might seem easily to go through for ones, yet almost impossible to others. To achieve success is a non-easy work that requires patience, effort, and wisdom.

The patience is a gift that we could have if we ask for it in a moment we are not impatient. For instance, when a person, on a desperate situation, pleads God for this gift, his mind could blocks, do not let him see the problem from all perspective, and as an effect, the problem could be prolonged. Who waits could be desperate, but at the end he should have his recompense. In fact, the better patient we are, the better satisfied we would feel.

Without effort there is not victory. Consistence must be hand by hand with patience. In some circumstances, we could feel to quit. Thus, if we are not perseverant we might allow failure to enter into our lives. However, for every not-to-good-experience we might learn to rise and be willing to success by the next time.

At last but not least, there is wisdom. This gift belongs to anyone who requires with faith. I think this one is who better defines the other gifts. For instance, a wise man might have success easily, for his wisdom make him acts with patience –without hurry things up, and be optimistic. Therefore, is really important to be wise before, during, and after the trajectory of any of our plans.

Some examples (that we might know already) of one person goals are:

- To finish an education level (elemental, high school, associate, bachelor, master, post-grade, etcetera).
- To obtain a better job or to escalate in one.
- To have an own business.
- To travel and run into new cultures.
- To buy a car (or any kind of automobile).
- And others.

Now, have we stopped to think in those goals that a human being put forward to himself for a short-term or long? For instance:

- Waking up every morning with a positive mood.
- To finish a book that was put aside for months.
- To be able to walk one step forward, after having a surgery in the legs.
- To be able to forgive and forget about it.

- To listen all the nicest comments that a teacher says about your kids.
- To choose life before taking it with an abortion.
- Pushing a child out (labor), and see how amazing this would be.
- To quit using drugs or all additive “things.”

- To love yourself. Don’t letting anyone to insult you, not even your partner, or friend, or lover.
- To brush your teeth after every meal.
- To be able to walk or run a few miles.
- To be able to stand in front of your mirror and love your body.

- Having that girlfriend/boyfriend that you always wanted.
- To know that your children respect God, and you as well.
- To keep believing in God.
- Etcetera.

In brief, no one could list unlimited goals that we might be planning during the day. However, is always good to know not to play to randomly choose the options God put us in front. Finally, to success and be successful, is significant to be patience, to put all our effort, and to act and be wise.


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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Taking Risks / Tomando Riesgos

"My Point of View" - Middlesex Community College, Room 406.

As Mark Zuckerberg says, “The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks;” thus, I will not be the one who stayed behind. Today, I am taking a new risk; a challenge for myself. I am starting with writing my Public Secrets in two languages: English, and Spanish; in order to expand my voice and sharing my experiences as a single mother, adult student, and all in-between. 

I started taking my risks since I moved to the United States along with my children, our culture and manners. I did not change who I am, however, I had to change the way I see things; my attitude. For instance, if I was willing to keep learning English, I had to follow my Reading and writing teacher’s advice. She wanted us, her international students, to start thinking in English. At first, I started thinking how funny would that be; I even made an essay explaining why this could not be as possible as it seem, until I found myself amazed by doing it. Changes are truly good; taking the risks, even more.

Like the seasons, changes might bring beauty in to our life. In addition, changes are like planting a tree, and this could represent our changing. As a result, if we create an aura of negativity, we could not expect to harvest beauty nor sweetness at all. Finally, in this changing world, full of risks-to-be-taken, I challenge you to take yours before it’s too late. For the question here is not “what are you waiting for,” but, who?

Tal y como Mark Zuckerberg dice, “El mayor riesgo es no tomar ningún riesgo… En un mundo que cambia realmente rápido, la única estrategia que garantiza el fracaso es no tomar riesgos;” así que, yo no seré esa que se quedó atrás. Hoy, estoy tomando un nuevo riesgo; un reto para mí misma. Estoy empezando con escribir mis Secretos Públicos en dos idiomas: inglés y español; en orden de expandir mi voz y compartir mis experiencias como madre soltera, estudiante adulta, y todo entre estas. 

Empecé a tomar mis riesgos desde que me mudé a los Estados Unidos junto a mis hijos, nuestra cultura y hábitos. No cambié quien soy, sin embargo, tuve que cambiar la manera en la que veo las cosas; mi actitud. Por ejemplo, si estaba dispuesta a seguir aprendiendo inglés, tuve que seguir los consejos de mi profesora de lectura y escritura. Ella quería que nosotros, sus estudiantes internacionales, empezáramos a pensar en inglés. Al principio, empecé a pensar cuan chistoso seria esto; hasta hice un ensayo explicando el por qué esto no podría ser tan posible como parecía, hasta que me encontré asombrada haciéndolo. Los cambios son realmente buenos; tomar los riesgos, aún mejor.

Como las estaciones, los cambios podrían traer belleza a nuestras vidas. En adición, los cambios son como plantar un árbol, y esto podría representar nuestros cambios. Como resultado, si creamos un aura de negatividad, no podemos esperar cosechar belleza ni dulzura en lo absoluto. Finalmente, en este mundo cambiante, lleno de riesgos-por-tomar, te reto a que tomes el tuyo antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Porque la pregunta aquí no es “que estas esperando,” sino, ¿a quién?

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Resoluciones: ¿desilusiones o inspiraciones?

Resoluciones: Desilusiones. Compromisos sin fundamentos; Solo voces al firmamento. Resoluciones: Inspiraciones. El día a dí...